Thursday, November 17, 2011


From the time when I was little, I am already sentient that I encompass definite qualities that are divergent from other children of my age. A convinced attribute that I do not distinguish as common for my age, but as I grow older I begin to understand myself even further; I begin to marvel and scrutinize. I frequently weigh against myself to those other girls of similar age sequentially to discern if my distinctiveness is customary. LOL. Deem it or not, I am beginning to deduce I am retarded at some point in time. 

But THANK GOD, I’M NOT. I’m just a self proclaimed stickler and recluse. I thought I was eerie because NOT like the other kids, whilst I was seven years old, I do not have down pat any event that I went domicile grubby. My yaya often commend me for being shipshape at all times as compared to my elder sister, who looks frequently atrocious as we go home from school. At the moment I’m starting to think I’m weird again. LOL. But the fad here is, I was not a kid back then, I was never a kid during that time. For heaven’s sake! LOL. I don’t even remember playing on the muck or in the turf. My FUN games are limited to depiction, coloring, coiffure my hair, wristlet making, cross stitching and….and…What else? Well that’s just about it. Silly!... 

Alright then! I admit it. I AM a BORING CHILD back then. If I could just turn back the time, I would most likely let myself tang some dirt, because now. I actually felt like I missed out a lot of great things during my childhood. Usually, when people utter about their childhood games, Chinese garter, langit-lupa..etc…etc. I actually feel dire. Because never in my life did I attempt to try those games. Would you believe that? A youngster that didn’t act like one, it may sound frivolous but it’s the verity. Ggggrrr! how I wish I could be a little kid yet again so that I possibly will act like one, play and never care, cry and laugh devoid of a doubt.    

The lesson here is: “Act NORMAL. Never DOUBT. And always have FUN in LIFE
Because when you pass through a certain stage of LIFE; there’s no turning back. So enjoy the most out of every single minute in your LIFE. Value every PHASE. LEARN from every MISTAKE. And EXPERIENCE what you need to experience. Because in LIFE, there is no such thing as a replay only fast forward.  

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