Friday, October 2, 2015

normal people lane and educated english speaking lane

Reading this post just really inspired me to write something before I sleep soundly tonight. Just a thought that I would like to share with everyone. It is true education, position and money can indeed give you a better access to the perks of life. But education and many still do not give one the right to insult anyone so what those 2 educated bitch*s did was unacceptable and I salute the manager for defending her crew. 

And to those other people who practice what those mother and daughter bitch*s do, stop it. Cause being educated is not a free pass to maltreat or insult others because being educated is not a free pass to maltreat or insult others because being a fast food crew is not an easy job. It takes a lot of patience and hard work in dealing with different customers. So learn to also respect them, for they are human beings.

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