Sustaining a good relationship is already difficult to do,
What more if the relationship you're trying to keep, is too hard to keep in the first place?
I have been in a long distance relationship for quite sometime now and its really not very easy to go on this type of a relationship since it takes a lot of patience and understanding.
Not every one can survive this setup since it is truly difficult. Just the thought of not being with your loved one on a daily or on a regular basis is just really hard to endure.
But things do happen for a reason and nothing is really impossible with Love and with faith.
The distance, the time, the chance, and even the weather are almost every time not so favorable with you. But with this type of relationship, you make things possible. Oh rather that, WE make things possible.
As the popular saying goes, It takes two to tango. Its very much applicable in every relationship but it is very helpful with this type since without helping each other to sustain the relationship there will be no relationship at all. No plans, no goals, no possibilities and no future. And the relationship you struggle to build and sustain will just easily go to waste, that is if you are not willing to endure the whole process.
As for me and my partner, we also been through a lot of adjustment especially during the earlier period of the relationship where we are still learning to figure out on how we will sustain our relationship. Back then, we fight a lot to the extent that we reached the point that we were about to give up. But thanked God, he made us stronger and he made us grow together with Love and Trust.
Well I am not saying that you will never encounter problems again once you already went through the whole process of adjustment. Please keep in mind that this is purely based on my experience and yours may vary from mine.
So these are the basic principles that I follow and practice to maintain a good relationship with my partner.
(1) Patience. you'll need a lot of it! There will be a lot of situations that you will just wish to give up the relationship. Especially when moments that you are feeling that your partner don't exert much effort as you do to sustain the relationship.
(2) Understanding. is very much applicable in any type of relationship but this is extra handy with LDR since through it you will learn to not just understand but to also mature. Bear in mind that even your in a relationship, your partner still have his / her own Life and goals that you should support as a partner.
(3) Trust. distance will make your trust weaker, you may often think that your partner is being unfaithful so you would always confront your partner by nagging and give allegations and even start a fight without even thinking twice if your allegations are true or not. This is very very true as I was already able to made out a book story out of my being paranoid. Well that was before! haha.
Turns out, nothing of my allegations are true, and I end up here being sorry for everything. So guys, please do trust your partner. If they are cheating, you would know so don't write stories on your mind just to satisfy your paranoia so its better to (4) Eliminate Jealousy
(5) Faith . It is important to build the foundation of your relationship with our good Lord at the center of it. Since when everything seems difficult, your faith will remain and will keep you both stronger and sane.
(6) Honesty. you should be very vocal and honest with your feelings at all times, remember you are in a relationship and this is not a guessing game. So don't expect your partner to instantly know what you want.
(7) Communication. a constant communication is what keeps you both connected. There are a lot of ways to do that these days. Skype, viber, facebook, yahoomail, and others alike may come in handy. Use it wisely, greet your partner a good morning everyday, send sweet messages in the middle of the day and ask how the day was and just simply talk to each other.
Never start a conversation with nagging, always keep in mind that your partner just came home from school or work so maybe he/ she is tired, or had a bad day and the only thing he/ she wants is to just talk to you for comfort. You'll never know if you won't listen to your partner.
Always consider your partners' feelings and not just your own so that he/ she will also practice the same consideration with you.
And the most important of all is to have
(8) Contentment. when you are in a long distance relationship, there are times that you would wish to see your partner more often and be with him/her on a regular basis. And there will be times that things will be difficult and complicated. But despite those random situations that you may encounter through out your relationship, you should never forget to express your love and contentment with your partner and with your relationship. Contentment is also acceptance of your current situation and a projection of your love, faith and trust with your partner.
So I made this blog hoping that I could share few tips on how to sustain a Long Distance Relationship. Hoping that somehow I would able to help those people / couple struggling with this type of relationship setup.